Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013

Gravity Force Lab Worksheet

1.      To be able to understand the Newton’s Third Law of Gravitational force.
2.      To be able to know the relationship of Mass and Force.

1.      Go to
2.      Select Physics on the sidebar, Motion, and then Gravity Force Lab.
3.      When the simulation first starts, the objects the humanoids are holding are 38 kg for the blue one and 25 kg for the red one. 
4.      Run the Simulation experiment.

l. Qualitative Observations.
  1. Move the masses closer.  When they move closer the force between them becomes(Greater/Less/the same)
  2. Move the masses further apart.  When the masses move away the force between them becomes? Greater/Less/the same)
  3. Double Mass 1.  When mass 1 is doubled the force between them becomes(Greater/Less/the same)
  4. Cut Mass 2 in half.  When the mass is reduced the force between them becomes?(Greater/Less/the same)
  5. In any of the situations did the forces ever differ in magnitude?
  6. In any of the situations did the forces ever not point in opposing directions?
  7. What physics LAW explains questions 5 and 6 (either give name or definition).
8.      Does it matter which mass increases?
9.      What type of relationship is there between Mass and force?
10.  Explain gravitational force.

II. Quantitative observations.
-Separate Mass 1 and Mass 2 so that their centers of mass (black dots) are 6 meters apart.
-Set Mass 2 to 30.0 kg.
-Start Mass 1 at zero kg.  Collect 10 data points with the gravitational force being your dependent variable and your Mass 1 being independent. 
-Redo the experiment but set Mass 1 to 30.0 kg and collect data on Mass 2’s relationship to force.

Image of the Gravity Force Simulation


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