Biyernes, Oktubre 25, 2013

Claymation: Clay Animation

The life cycle of a jelly fish was chosen to be visualized in our claymation. Different colors of clay were obtained and were mold to represent the different stages a jelly fish undergo in its life cycle. The molded shapes for each stage were taken a picture. After taking pictures, the images were edited using a photo editor. Then, the photos were arranged and were put into a movie maker producing a video. Thus, claymation is a video which is very entertaining especially to the kids. It caught up their attention because of its cartoons-like aspect that enable kids to gain knowledge in a good and easier way, turning out the claymation to be an instructional and educational video.

Science Movie

Making a movie is a difficult task to do because one must have a great knowledge in choosing the concept of his/her movie. He/she must be an expert in making the script and putting the chosen concept to life so that viewers will patronize the movie.
In making our science movie “An Bukatkat”, we went to different places that suites for the setting stated on the script. Props and costume were made to make the movie more realistic. After the shooting for the different scenes, the videos obtained were put in a movie maker. Videos were edited for better audio and resolution.
Being a neophyte in making this activity, I find it difficult in making our science movie. Though we encountered many problems in doing our movie, we still finished it successfully. We learned that one should be resourceful and creative and cooperation of each member should be observed among the group to achieve the desired outcome of the movie.

This picture was taken in City Central School during our shooting of our movie there.

Water marking

Rooster: Sign of Strength

We choose rooster for our watermarking activity because it symbolizes strength wherein they fight bravely and courageously in cock fighting. They also serve as alarm clocks by our ancestors in past generations.
SUNOY_orella-MERR© 2013

Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013

Gravity Force Lab Worksheet

1.      To be able to understand the Newton’s Third Law of Gravitational force.
2.      To be able to know the relationship of Mass and Force.

1.      Go to
2.      Select Physics on the sidebar, Motion, and then Gravity Force Lab.
3.      When the simulation first starts, the objects the humanoids are holding are 38 kg for the blue one and 25 kg for the red one. 
4.      Run the Simulation experiment.

l. Qualitative Observations.
  1. Move the masses closer.  When they move closer the force between them becomes(Greater/Less/the same)
  2. Move the masses further apart.  When the masses move away the force between them becomes? Greater/Less/the same)
  3. Double Mass 1.  When mass 1 is doubled the force between them becomes(Greater/Less/the same)
  4. Cut Mass 2 in half.  When the mass is reduced the force between them becomes?(Greater/Less/the same)
  5. In any of the situations did the forces ever differ in magnitude?
  6. In any of the situations did the forces ever not point in opposing directions?
  7. What physics LAW explains questions 5 and 6 (either give name or definition).
8.      Does it matter which mass increases?
9.      What type of relationship is there between Mass and force?
10.  Explain gravitational force.

II. Quantitative observations.
-Separate Mass 1 and Mass 2 so that their centers of mass (black dots) are 6 meters apart.
-Set Mass 2 to 30.0 kg.
-Start Mass 1 at zero kg.  Collect 10 data points with the gravitational force being your dependent variable and your Mass 1 being independent. 
-Redo the experiment but set Mass 1 to 30.0 kg and collect data on Mass 2’s relationship to force.

Image of the Gravity Force Simulation


PhET Simulation Activity

            Physics Education Technology or PhET is a part of the University of Colorado Boulder which is a non-profit open educational resource (OER) project founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman. It is a suite of research-based interactive computer simulations for teaching and learning physics, chemistry, math and other sciences (
PhET simulations emphasize the connections between real-life phenomena and the underlying science, and help make the visual and conceptual models of expert scientists accessible to students. can be run online or downloaded for free from the PhET website. The simulations are animated, interactive, and game-like environments where students learn through exploration. PhET simulations are primarily developed for and tested with university and high school students, but have been found to be educational and fun for students from grade school to grad school (

Miyerkules, Oktubre 16, 2013

Plants found in Leyte Normal University

Different Plants Identified in Science Garden, HAE grounds, ORC grounds, and ILS/SC grounds


ome areas of the university were surveyed. Different plants were found and identified in science garden, ORC grounds, HAE grounds, and ILS/SC grounds. ORC grounds and science garden shared some common plants namely: San Francisco, calamansi, Bougainvillea and Mango tree. The ORC ground has Indian tree, Golden duranta and Daranghita and guava. Science garden has many plants in which others are medicinal plants like Kalabo.

Other plants were also identified in HAE grounds and ILS/SC grounds. The plants in these areas were also compared. Many plants were found in both grounds. The kalipayan plant was found in ILS/SC ground while the Gumamela and santan were found in HAE ground.

Golden duranta is the plant that has the greatest occurrence in all of the four areas. Then the Bougainvillea plant having a number of 12 plants, Kutsaritas 64, Birds of Paradise 58, Red Ginger 33, San Francisco 25, Indian tree 21, Euphorbia 18, Kalipayan 13, Fern 10 as well as mango, Santan and Kalamansi 7, Gumamela 6, Orchids 5, Aloe vera and Guatemala Rhubarb 3, Rosal and Malunggay has only one number of plants.

Pictures of the Different Kinds of Plants found in Leyte Normal University

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Genetics: Karyotyping Activity

Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells, which can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease. This test can count the number of chromosomes and look for structural changes in chromosomes ( At first, we really don’t know why there is a need for karyotyping but as we go along in the cutting and pasting the pair of each chromosome, we realize it’s worth and we enjoy doing the activity.
Cut n' Paste Karyotyping Activity
(manual cutting and pasting)
Karyotyping activity is not an easy task especially when you do it manually by cutting and pasting each chromosome to its respective pair. One must be a keen observer in identifying the perfect match of each chromosome. This activity will enable the student to have a deeper and wider knowledge in pairing the chromosomes as it is there were no hints or clues given to identify the chromosome’s perfect match. On the other hand, the matching up of chromosome in the web is just like playing an online game or navigating a simulation on karyotyping. It is easily for a student to identify and match up the chromosomes because one can use the hint button to know the shape of the missing pair. Also, if a certain chromosome is drag to the wrong pair, the chromosome will immediately went back to its original place in the pool on the left.
Matching up Chromosomes in a Karyotype
(completed karyotype)
Doing the karyotyping made us realize that chromosome must have their respective pair or match for an organism to be physically and mentally fit. We also realize that each individual was born uniquely from each other even if some individuals suffer from certain kind of syndrome. We should be thankful for all the blessings we receive in our daily living especially the gift of life. We must take good care of ourselves and know how to be fair in treating people around us. We must also respect those people who need special attention by encouraging them not degrading their integrity and self-esteem.
It is so amazing to know that nowadays, scientists were able to know and make a karyotype wherein they took a picture of someone's chromosomes, cut them out and match them up using size, banding pattern and centromere position as guides ( Karyotyping helps the field of medicine to identify different chromosomal abnormalities a person has. It also helps us to understand more about those syndrome and abnormalities a person has wherein we can adjust ourselves to them thus enable us to know certain things we must do in taking good care of them. Also, we must love everything we have, the things that surrounds us especially our life because all the things in this world are not permanent, they die and disappear.
Karyotyping Activity
(clicking and dragging)